
I introduce myself
I’m a dance artist who uses the body as her primary language of expression.
I’m a Yoga and Pilates teacher, having practiced these disciplines since a young age under my mother’s guidance.
With over twelve years of personal practice, I teach since 2015.

Our differences are strengths and it is important that you feel safe during our encounters.
Let go of everything that no longer serves you, set boundaries, close your energy field to be safe within yourself: in this way you will be open to authentic exchange, connected to your radiant and powerful self.
These are the Styles I practice and teach.
Through private or group lessons, practise Yoga to become more aware of your body and its energies, to unblock your emotions and to observe yourself. Find the style that suits you best.
To teach I avail myself of the collaboration of several Berlin studios. These are: Yellow Studio, Hi! Yoga and Openstudios. You can check where they are located on the Contact page.
Yoga and meditation are powerful tools to promote concentration on work activities, stress relief and a new cohesion in the work group.
dancers and actors
I offer specific meetings with open discussions, physical, breathing and meditative practices to learn about new practices and theories and enrich the study of movement.
Ich besuche Carolinas Ashtanga-Klasse jeden Dienstag und Donnerstag um 7 Uhr morgens im Yellow Yoga Studio Sonne. Schon beim zweiten Fuß aus dem Bett freue ich mich auf die bevorstehende intensive Session. Die Yogaklasse ist nach wie vor eine Herausforderung für mich, auch nach zwei Jahren, in denen ich zweimal die Woche praktiziere. Da Carolina für jeden Körper und jedes Fitnesslevel das passende Asana anbietet, ist es möglich, sich je nach Bedürfnis individuell weiterzuentwickeln und stets neue Herausforderungen zu suchen. Ihr Stil ist schnell, fokussiert, kraftvoll, einfühlsam und komplett. Carolina geht auf jeden ihrer Schüler*innen ein, ob man zum ersten Mal dort ist oder ob man schon zum Inventar gehört. Wer die Herausforderungen eines kraftvollen Yogastils sucht, ist bei Carolinas Klasse genau richtig. Daher empfehle ich jedem, Ashtanga mit Carolina auszuprobieren, denn wer es schafft, diese Routine in sein Leben zu integrieren, wird schnell merken, wie sich ein besseres Körpergefühl einstellt, wie Geist und Körper stärker werden und wie sich schließlich auch Herausforderungen des Alltags leichter bewältigen lassen. Namaste!
I had the pleasure to spend 4 days in a yoga retreat with Carolina. She has an amazing energy and calming presence. Very attentive to the students and always willing to help and to adapt the class to the students needs. After the retreat I started attending to her Ashtanga classes. Her classes are a perfect blend of challenge and relaxation. I always leave feeling energized and at peace.
Starting with Carolina's Ashtanga class is always a joy and a positive start into my day and she keeps finding ways to help and push me aswell as more advanced students with a lot of good energy. I can tell her classes and the people in them are important to her and that really makes the difference 🙂
Je suis régulièrement les séances de yoga proposées par Carolina depuis plus de deux ans maintenant, car j'adore sa manière de diffuser son énergie et d'être attentive aux évolutions de chacun et chacune. Je me sens accueillie, accompagnée et soutenue dans la découverte du yoga et de mes capacités. Un graaaand merci pour ça!
我跟著Carolina 的Ashtanga 課程有兩年的時間。她非常的專業,也很細心提供不同的姿勢選擇,讓我們依照自己的身體需求去做調整。在她的指引下,每次的課程都讓我找回身心的平衡,也因為發覺到身體細微的改變而感覺踏實。很喜歡她的多樣性,在每堂課我接受到不同流動的力量,有時像細樹枝堆剛被點燃的火焰,有時像山林溪流的輕巧而寧靜。每堂課程結束後都能重整體內的流動,十分推薦!
I have taken yoga classes with Carolina for a year, and she is by far the best yoga teacher I have ever had. As a yoga teacher, she has an effortless friendliness that immediately makes you feel part of the class. She is very encouraging, especially when you are a beginner. She is a gentle instructor who corrects you when needed but also lets you learn by yourself. I truly recommend Carolina not only for her skills but also for her energy and amazing personality.